Pay off your entire principle and interest loan balance in full. 10-30 years repayment term
Pay off you you entire principle and interest loan balance in full. Starts with lower payment but adds 20% every 2 years. 10-30 year repayment term
Qualification and monthly payments are calculated based on loan factors. Payments can be as low as $0. Any loan balance still owed will be forgiven after repayment term. Repayment term is 20 years
Qualification and monthly payments are calculated based on loan factors. Payments can be as low as $0. Any loan balance still owed will be forgiven after repayment term. Repayment term is 20-25 years
Qualification and monthly payments are calculated based on loan factors. Payments can be as low as $0. Any loan balance still owed will be forgiven after repayment term.
Repayment term is 25 years
Qualification and monthly payments are calculated based on loan factors.
Payments can be as low as $0. Any loan balance still owed will be forgiven after repayment term.
Repayment term is 25 years
Working for not-for-profit or governmental organization for 10 years will receive loan forgiveness after 120 qualified payments towards the loans
Entire school loan Discharge.
1- School Closed while borrower was enrolled. 2- Did not graduate. 3- Did not transfer credits
Entire loan amount owed discharge.
(SSDI) or (SSI) award letter, also proof of benefits stating disability review is 5-7 years
U.S. (VA) Certification determining unemployable due to a service connected disability
If approved by the Department Of Education, all loans disbursed from school claim will be discharged
*Outcome takes up to 24 month *
If the school, through act or omission, violated state law directly related to your federal student loan or to the educational services for which the loan is provided.
Documents from student is needed for this process
Mon - Fri: 8 Am - 5 Pm (PST)
Sat - Sun: Closed
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